Some of the best fishing in Southwest Louisiana
Call us to reserve your spot today
Since 1998
Spicer-Hughes Marina and Motel is just minutes away from some of the best fishing spots in Louisiana. Whether on business, vacation, planning a fishing trip with the guys or just trying to get away, we can accommodate all your needs.
You can bring your own boat or book a fishing trip with one of the many local guides in the area. Either way, you will be on your way to a great fishing trip.
The motels are open year-round. The bait and tackle store is open from March – October.
What to expect
The boat launch is free to all motel guests and $5-$10 for everyone else. We have a large parking area to park your truck and trailer. We also offer dock side fuel for boats and a fish cleaning facility.
The tackle store offers a large selection of light tackle for salt water fishing, live shrimp, frozen bait shrimp, fishing licenses, cold drinks, all sorts of snacks and souvenir tshirts and hats.
Where To Find Us
We are located on Kelso Bayou in Hackberry, La. about 18 miles south of Sulphur, La.
Kelso bayou is connected to Calcasieu Lake (Big Lake) by the Calcasieu ship channel and is about a 20 minute boat ride to the Gulf of Mexico.